Fatty Cheong - Are their Char Siew really that good?

The Char Siew (Barbequed Pork) is lean and firm. Not as fatty. 
What is fatty is the Roast Pork "Sio Ba", with a thick crispy crust with the old school rustic taste at its ends. 
The sauce is sweet with a tinge of bitter, probably from a bovril mix. The rice is disappointing though. It is the typical wet and mushy clumps of rice. I'd prefer my rice to be more grainy. 

Fatty Cheong 
#01-120, ABC Brickworks Food Centre, 6 Jalan Bukit Merah, S150006
Phone: +65 98824849

Opening Hours
Fri - Wed: 11:00 - 20:30
Closed: Thu


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