Koh Grill & Sushi Bar

A long queue greeted us as we made our way up to the top floor of Wisma Atria. There were throngs of students in groups, clearly this has to be an affordable place to eat. And we weren't wrong. 

The "Shiok Maki" ($16.80) was the signature dish that we came for, but were pleasantly surprised not just by the variety of dishes on the menu, but the quality of the food that we had ordered. In fact, the Shiok Maki was to us, so-so. A Salmon Aburi sushi wrapped with Mayo and Avocado topped with Roe. 

She had a Swordfish craving, and ordered the "Mekajiki"($17.80). I would have expected it to be just normal, but it was firm and a clean taste without any fishiness. Impressed. 

The side dish was an interesting one. "Pitan Tofu" ($4), literally Century Egg over a cold Tofu. But I had not imagined that the Yolk of the Century Egg could be blended into a sauce. Very tasty. 

This was the other surprise of the evening... A Salmon Fish Head Soup for only $10! The soup was rich and creamy, with its flavours from the sweetness of the Cabbage, mild saltiness from Miso, and the hint of the oils from the Salmon. Good stuff!

We had realised that we over-ordered by now... But this Charcoal Grilled Salmon Belly ($15) was too good to resist! Charred on the outside, yet oozing with moisture and oils inside. Very well cooked indeed. 

Koh Grill & Sushi Bar

Address: 435 Orchard Road, #04-21, Wisma Atria Shopping Centre, S238877
Opening Hours: Daily: 11:30 - 22:30
Phone: +65 91803805


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